Monday, September 30, 2013

Stardust Diner

This past weekend, Teenz in the City went to Times Square to have a fantastic brunch while listening to live musical performances by the waiters and waitresses. The group used hopstop to determine that the N/R subway would be the quickest way to arrive at our destination. While at the diner, we had the chance to get on the microphone and introduce ourselves and sing along to some great tunes! On the way home, the teens shared a taxi and gained an understanding of appropriate tipping for a taxi driver and how to divide the total among each person. Everyone had a great time and we are looking forward to our special pizza outing next Saturday.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Big Daddy-Girls' Group Kick Off

September 25, 2013

The first girls' group of the fall season started off with a review of hopstop directions and a wonderful after school snack at Big Daddy Diner.  The girls utilized hopstop to figure out that the subway (downtown 6) was the most logical route to take to arrive at the diner. We reviewed knowing when we were walking uptown/downtown by seeing the numbers increase and decrease, as well as etiquette when walking down a crowded street. During our snack, the girls discussed their summer camp experiences and how their year was going so far.  We look forward to many new adventures during girls' group this fall, as well as a growing sense of independence!

San Gennaro Festival

September 21, 2013

This weekend, our group went to the 87th Annual Feast of San Gennaro in Little Italy. Together as a group we researched the travel route to arrive in Little Italy, and decided that the subway was the most direct route of travel. While on the subway, we discussed the history of the San Gennaro feast as well as the culture and heritage of Little Italy. Upon arrival to the feast, we were greeted by the delicious smells and musical entertainment of Little Italy that reflects Italian-American culture. Our group members were excited to try new foods. including fried oreos, pizza, canolis, and even fresh corn on the cob! It was great to be reunited with our fall group, while enjoying the beautiful weather and energy of the feast. It was a really special day!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Yasou and Welcome Back!

September 15, 2013

We kicked off our Fall/Winter Teenz in the City group with a trip to Union Square to dine at a fantastic restaurant called "Village Taverna".  This outing was designed as a group member's request who wanted to share his Greek heritage with the group. It was wonderful to provide him with this opportunity to share his culture with the group and for the other members to learn to appreciate other cultures while trying some new foods! We reviewed taking the subway using hopstop and the 6 train. We also introduced our new members' choice initiative, beginning this fall. This will allow members to vote on an outing of choice one time per month in order to practice teamwork, flexibility, and allowing them to try new things. Be sure to take note of our fall/winter outings on the schedule. We look forward to all the exciting moments to come in our upcoming outings this fall!